Prenatal Yoga

Congratulations on your Pregnancy!

Prenatal yoga (private lessons) helps you prepare for childbirth. In a relaxed way you will learn to trust your feeling and your body, because giving birth is a natural process.

During the lessons we will cover:

- Breathing techniques
- Relaxation exercises
- The phases of the delivery
- How to handle contractions
- Different positions for pushing
- How your partner can support you

During the private lessons, which I preferably give at your home, we will cover everything regarding childbirth. You can ask anything you like and you will receive information customized for your situation. Two or three lessons will get you fully prepared, so you can look forward to the labour and birth of your child with confidence and joy. Preparing yourself for a second or subsequent delivery is also advisable.

I advise you to plan the lessons between week 25 and 35 of your pregnancy. In any case, plan it before week 37 of your pregnancy.

The lessons cost € 85,00 per lesson of 1 1/2 to 2 hours each. This includes written information.

Insurance coverage
Several health insurance companies provide coverage for prenatal courses/lessons. This depends on your health insurance. For any further information you should refer to the policy conditions of your health insurance.

Working area
My working area is the region of The Hague and surrounding municipalities (Haaglanden).

I enjoy cooperating with midwife practices in the region and with Maternity care Het Zonnetje and Het Maantje.

Scheduling an appointment and information
06-388 24 988 or